Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Berto's sancocho
I watched Berto make a beautiful sancocho on a blue marlin today. She came up on the left side. He was on the left side and so was a big bonito on the 50 as Berto's pitch bait. My side and my 50 had one of those skirted horse ballyhoo, the right bite size for a striped marlin. Berto’s blue marlin wanted nothing to do with my smaller pitch bait. She’s on the left teaser, then Berto’s bonito, a short bite, but no drop back because she didn’t touch it, fading off then back on the bonito, fading off and dash to my pitch bait. REFUSAL. Back to the bonito and a ferocious bite, drop back to past the long rigger with plenty of time where it all comes tight and a couple jumps and out comes a beautiful sancocho.
Makes me feel much better about the sancocho that I made during the tournament with the same size fish on the same size bait with a shorter drop back.
As Berto shrugs his shoulders and says. "That's fishing."
At least we got the bite....and a handful of sails.
The day before was in the double digits.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 9:03 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2015
On the way to the awards banquet..... congratulate the Tarheel and tarheels. First place to the Tarheel and cApt. John Bayliss and some other tarheels on the Trophy Box in 3rd place. 2nd went to the Wire We Here.
The highlight of my day was making a BIG SANCOCHO on a blue marlin and catching a sailfish on a spinning rod off the bow of the boat.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 7:48 PM
Friday, January 23, 2015
If I'm going to get my ass beat...... least it was by a Tarheel. Actually several Tarheels.
I heard that Capt. John Bayliss put on a clinic today, catching 47 sails in one day, with other boats left scratching their heads and watching the show.
The Dragin Fly was nowhere in the area, hoping that the honey hole that James found all by himself and 25 miles away from the fleet, loaded with birds and bait would fire off. It didn't. The last two hours of the day, we had 1 bite, which we lost.
There were a lot of fish around, but they were lazy, gorging on all that bait. The bites we got were very finicky and our hook up ratio sucked, hovering at 50% vs our 70% hook up ratio yesterday. Our two day total equaled John Bayliss' Tarheel's one day total of 47 sailfish. He now has 84 sails for two days.
Some other Tarheels, fishing on the Trophy Box are looking to add a trophy to their collection, solidly in the top 3 with 74 sails.
The Dragin Fly is currently sitting in 9th place of the 39 boat field with 47 sails. Hopefully we can gain a little ground on tomorrow, the last day of the first leg of the 3 tournament series Los Suenos Triple Crown.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 10:38 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Day 1 Report
James got us in the game late in the day, with only 2 hours left, our 13 sailfish releases were 21 fish behind 1st place, but 3 triples and a couple of doubles in short order put us back in the hunt. We are tied for 6th place with our friends on the Sea Angel with 2900 points. First place has 3900 points and John Bayliss on the Tarheel is righting in there with about 3700 points.
Going to be a shootout tomorrow.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 10:52 PM
Monday, January 19, 2015
How about this for a big mahi?

And 7 sails and a striped marlin to go along with it. Still decent fishing, not red hot, but I'll take it every day......except on Thursday which is when the tourney starts.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:07 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Thanks Mark for the shots!
Great pics, thanks for the shots. I've been here two weeks and have not had a chance to see a sailfish! I'm jealous.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 7:52 PM
Now Taking Reservations for 2016
That's right, next year. If you want on the Dragin Fly (or any of the other Fly Boats), I would recommend that you make your reservations now.
Standing by,
by Capt. George Beckwith at 9:51 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Grand slam yesterday
Nice first trip to Costa Rica for our guests who caught a grand slam, blue, stripe and a handful of sails.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 7:05 PM
Friday, January 9, 2015
Calm seas and great fishing is back
Calm seas and great fishing is back
Double digit day on sailfish and a dolphin for dinner yesterday with calm seas offshore.
However, up in the bay there was still some chop from yesterday's blow. There was an overloaded 90+ foot catamaran with over 100 people on board making the trek up to Tortuga Island for a day at the beach. The unusual chop apparently blew out some windows in the engine room and the boat started taking on water and sunk within minutes. We never knew what happened until getting back to the dock, but other boats from Los Suenos participated in rescue efforts. Unfortunately there were 3 fatalities.
Attached is a pres release from Los Suenos:
Today our community was
affected by the tragic sinking of a passenger catamaran off the Central Pacific
coast. Despite the fact that the vessel was not docked in Los Sueños, nor had
any relationship with the Marina, many private vessels from the marina sped out
to the accident site immediately to assist in the rescue of survivors. Sadly,
of the 108 total passengers and crew on board, 3 died. The remaining passengers
and crew have been accounted for. Forty of the passengers were picked up by a
large ship and taken to Caldera. The others were brought back to the Los Sueños
Marina by private vessels. We would like to give our deepest and heartfelt
condolences to the families of the victims and wish the survivors peace in the
aftermath. At the same time, we would like to shed a spotlight on our marina,
security, restaurants, operational and administrative staff, as well as those
individuals in and around the Marina who rallied to have emergency services
ready and provide whatever support was necessary to government officials, the
media, and most importantly, anyone directly affected by the tragedy.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 10:08 AM
Thursday, January 8, 2015
You know it's cold upstairs
when you get a north wind in Costa Rica. A bit blustery yesterday, but still with a dozen bites, just not a great hook up ratio. Let's see what today brings.......
by Capt. George Beckwith at 4:25 PM
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
right back
As soon as I say something, the fishing is right back to where yo want it, more double digit days.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 7:59 PM
Back side of the moon
Lots of fish, but the double digit days have backed off a little. Still getting plenty of shots, but they've been a little less hungry and harder to hook. Tunas are around and biting for those who like sushi.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 12:16 PM
Friday, January 2, 2015
Marlin on the Fly
by Capt. George Beckwith at 11:11 AM