Thursday, January 30, 2014
Fishing remains spectacular with double digit days going around for the whole charter fleet. In addition to 20+ sails, we landed 2 big gaffers and 5 tunas. May do a little bottom fishing today.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 2:57 PM
Monday, January 27, 2014
On the way to the awards ceremony....... congratulate the winners....not us and the details are still fuzzy on how 2nd and 3rd place worked out. First place was Extasea with 70some fish, Spanish Fly, Sea Fix and Sea Angel were all right there together on time.
We were in or out of the top 10 on time, still not sure exactly where, a lot of boats with 60 fish for the 3 days, we had 61. Yesterday was Validation with a capital V after a pathetic day 1. Today, we learned that we have a lot to learn. Capt. James, Berto and Marcos did an excellent job with the preparation of baits, lines and tackle.
Capt. James gave us enough shots that we should have been able to sleep in this morning and watch cartoons.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 10:05 AM
Friday, January 24, 2014
Don't count us out just yet
We started today much as we did yesterday, early bites on which we could not connect, but James stuck with it and we got on a little hot streak, finishing up for the day with 34 sailfish releases and climbing from the bottom of the pack to within striking distance of the lead.
Yesterday a zero in last place, today a hero, winning the daily. We've got some work to do tomorrow in this 3-day tournament. NEVER GIVE UP!
by Capt. George Beckwith at 9:39 PM
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Dead Last
We are redefining the term "Hero or Zero". Team Dragin Fly was pretty much out to lunch all day today in leg 1 of the Los Suenos Triple Crown. Capt. James made a bold move and tried to stay out of the fleet, where we caught 20+ fish yesterday, 10 of them in the first hour. This morning we started off with a couple of sancochos and got completely covered up with bonito. Meanwhile, the radio was blowing up from several boats who stopped on a nest of sails first thing, one boat called in a quad within minutes of setting bait in the water.
We couldn't stand it and picked up and made the run, in the hour and a half that it took for us to run there the rest of the fleet caught almost 200 fish. After we arrived, the big party was over, but there were still plenty of fish around, if we could hook them......NOT. Out of the two dozen shots that James gave us, we caught 6.
After battling for last place all day long, when lines-out was called, we had a secure hold on it. Dead Last
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:05 PM
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
It’s all about averages and ours is pretty low, hovering around 50% of releases for the bites that we’re getting. James looked down at me from the bridge today and asked if I wanted to hand the rod up to him so that he could hook a fish for me so that I knew what one felt like. He was smiling when he said it.
Another double digit day, tomorrow is the first day of the tournament, hopefully we'll have a good report for you coming......
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:55 AM
Monday, January 20, 2014
That's what we've been. We have had a lot of groups of friends here in Costa Rica over the past couple of weeks, sometimes it's like herding cats, but all is going good. The fishing has been exceptional with a big wave of sailfish that have settled into the area. For the past couple of weeks they've bit one day, then been off the next day, but even on the slow days, everyone is getting a couple turns and most days end up with double digit releases of billfish for the boat. The last few days, we've had 5 anglers who have had double digit days! Today, we nearly set the boat record.
It is going to be a very interesting tournament with this many sailfish around. Keep an eye on the reports, tourney starts Thursday. I get to go fishing tomorrow for the first time in over a week!
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:25 PM
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Pics from this week

Just good consistent fishing. The group that we had the last couple of days was disappointed that they did not catch a marlin, but they had two double digit days on sails. Above are some marlin pics. Congrats to Ben and Andy who each caught a marlin, Cam who caught 2 marlin in one day.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 12:00 PM
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
good fishing
Good and steady, some days are slower than others, but everyone is getting a couple of turns. Father/son on the boat yesterday and they each caught a handful of sails, heading for a marlin today. Hope they get 'em.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 2:36 PM
Friday, January 10, 2014
Check this out
Very cool, thanks Capt. Rod!
by Capt. George Beckwith at 12:28 PM
Saturday, January 4, 2014
If you hopped on the Dragin Fly and wanted to pull a Green Flying Purple People Eater with a chartreuse tail, Berto would break one out from down below. We've got all the tools. James has never taken a picture of a teaser and sent it to me just to make sure that I get another one exactly like it. But that's what he did last week, claiming that 75% of the marlin that have been a part of our marlin streak over the past few months have come to that one teaser.
You won't find this one on the shelves or at This was a one of a kind prototype that is now tangled around the bill of a fully grown blue marlin, last seen about 35 miles off the coast of Los Suenos, heading south. King James is going to be like Ahab over the next few weeks trying to chase down that teaser.
Hopefully Joey is making another prototype that is just as good and may be on the market to the public soon......and after the Los Suenos Triple Crown.
10 sails and a caught blue marlin and another blue one that James will be looking for today....
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:08 AM