Sunday, October 27, 2013
Marlin every day of October.
One blue marlin one sailfish and 20 big mahi mahi today
by Capt. George Beckwith at 12:25 PM
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Captain of the Year Nomination
The InTheBite Captain of the Year award was initiated in 2003 as a way of recognizing the achievements of the top captains in sportfishing. Since that time it’s become one of the most prestigious awards in the world for the professional sportfishing captain and the past Captains of the Year read more like a sportfishing Hall of Fame than anything else. Just receiving a nomination for this prestigious award is a tremendous accomplishment, one that represents years of hard work, dedication and personal sacrifice, so please join us in congratulating the 2013 group of nominees WHICH INCLUDES CAPT. JAMES SMITH of the Dragin Fly.
InTheBite Captain of the Year award recognizes excellence among the world’s professional sportfishing captains. Those unfamiliar with the job see only the bright spots—exotic destinations, big shiny boats, the adrenaline rush of a hot teaser bite—but those who’ve put in their time at the helm understand that it’s not all Mai Tais and Yahtzee out here. Being a true professional demands a tremendous amount of both dedication and commitment. There’s always some sacrifice too, especially when it comes to a family.So what does it take to be InTheBite’s Captain of the Year? The first step is to earn a nomination. Captains are nominated based on their tournament performance during the season. Captain of the Year is not a popularity contest: the nominees are voted upon by the past Captains of the Year, with the general public casting a tie-breaking vote only if necessary. The award is based on the merits of the individual, and that’s why InTheBite’s Captain of the Year has become the industry’s most prestigious award for the professional captain.We continue to be impressed and proud of our crew and we are so happy to see Capt James be recognized in this manner. All of have fished with him recognize this would be a well-deserved honor. We will keep you posted as details become available.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 3:33 PM
Friday, October 25, 2013
Green Season?
How I lost my Go Pro, tarpon fishing at Silver King Lodge
Striped marlin during the Green season. Yes we got rained on for about 20 minutes in 3 1/2 days of fishing.
Cleared up a bit in the afternoon and the sailfish bite fired off with a quadruple the Green Season.
Day 2 on the Pacific side. Did I mention that this was the Green Season? 
We were up on the bow when my blue marlin came in the spread. When she stopped running, I put the heat on her ass.
After a couple of great shows, I got down and dirty with this one........
......and put the leader in Berto's hand.
In 2 days offshore on the Dragin Fly:
1 striped marlin
1 blue marlin
16 sails
2 gaffer dolphin
1 30# tuna on a popper
couple other marlin bites.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 9:46 PM
Sunday, October 13, 2013
5 for 12 on blue marlin
I don't like the hook up ratios, but I sure do like the odds of catching a blue marlin, raised 12 yesterday. The weather has got to be better down there than up here, but first, tarpon payback starting tomorrow.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 3:02 PM
Friday, October 11, 2013
Finally a day on the water.
......and hopefully what is waiting for me when I get down there next week.....our radar has been down and we just got it up and running for a few upcoming trips......including a couple of days for me:
From Capt. James:
"Welcome back radar! Boy it sure nice to have the right tools again. Catch three yellowfin one about 25 lbs the other two about 160 Lbs & 200 Lbs plus. Hooked them about 10 45 am catch them about 2 30 pm nice fish we also was 1 for 4 on blue marlin, broke one off, jumped one off and missed one but we did catch one."
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:23 PM