Sunday, June 27, 2010
If you're coming, bring a cooler
The meat fishing is really good. Lots of tuna and wahoo. Yes, you can bring them back to the states, we'll filet and freeze them and get them to you on the morning of your departure. On the trip down I will sometimes pack my clothes and an empty soft bag in a cooler. Filets go home in the cooler, clothes fill up the soft bag.
by Capt. George Beckwith at 8:02 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Since the last report, May continued to yield good marlin fishing, also plenty of tuna and scattered sails. The last couple of weeks we had a slug of dirty water pass by that slowed things down, struggling to catch a few billfish each day, fortunately a lot of those have been marlin. Now that the water has cleaned up, the fishing is getting much better, this is from a two day trip that we just had:
Day 1 almost had a grand slam today jump off a striped marlin, catch 1 blue marlin, 3 sailfish, 6 wahoo and one bige mahi mahi
Day 2 5 more wahoo again today, 5 sailfish and 1 blue marlin release
by Capt. George Beckwith at 11:48 AM